Channeling Lon #5

Channeling Lon #5


I feel super unready for this. Tired and a little down. But Lon says this is going to happen, so who am I to argue!

Being free. Isn’t that what we all want? To move about our worlds unfettered? This is a time of unfettering. Releasing the chains of the past. They don’t really exist, you know. Damage is done and we hold onto to scars like a prized battle wound. Why? So silly. Do you feel that is what makes you human? These dramatic experiences? Is that why you enjoy your ludicrous television programs? Problems seem to be a source for your entertainment. Why is that? There must be a value that you place on having problems. This is something important to consider. This is all distraction, my friends. Pure distraction from your beautiful selves. Why revel in someone else’s garbage when you could bask in the glory of you? Food for thought. What would you do with yourself if you had no problems and no one you know had anything for you to worry about? Would life be worth living? Can you even imagine such a scenario? Could there be any purpose to you being in your bodies if there was nothing to fix??? I will leave you with that to ponder. Just know, we want to help you figure this out. Lon

Channeling Lon #9  Being Yourself

Channeling Lon #9 Being Yourself

Channeling Lon #9


The key to happiness is being yourself. Your authentic self. Not somebody else. Not somebody your parents, friends, spouses, coworkers want you to be. The real you. Not who the commercials say you should be, or not be. You. Your true self. And quite frankly, depending how wrapped up you are in society and what is “normal”, you may not even have a clue as to who you really are. As wonderful as Colleen is, and as open and trusting as she is, she is only just barely starting to get who she is. She is getting a sense of her power and those around her help her to see it more and more, but she can’t truly fathom (yet) who she is and the vast majority of you don’t yet get it either.

Who you are is magnificent and quite honestly, if you saw YOU in your full glory, all at once, you would not only be unaware that it was really indeed you, but you would also be in such awe it wouldn’t make sense to you. As our friend Kelly would say, you are so 3D or third dimensional density that you would not recognize you outside of this 3D world. We are shifting, my friends to a higher, less dense, dimension in which you can start seeing YOU more clearly. Some of you, in fact more and more of you every day, are getting on board for seeing more of yourselves. This pleases us to no end! And once again, for those of you who are not yet willing to shift and start seeing YOU in a new way, we send you love and will wait patiently for you to catch up. It is our feeling that if you are reading this message, you are not one of those people anyway!

So, our message to you today is to continue to practice allowing. Allowing yourselves to be open to glimpsing YOU. Glimpsing the magic that is happening all around you. See the signs of bigger, more magnificent times to come. This is indeed a tremendously powerful and exciting time in history and we, as always , want you to know that you are not alone in this time of transformation and massive paradigm shifting. Be open to finding those who are on a similar path. It makes it more fun and quickens the expansion process when you can play with others of like mind. We know how beautiful you are and look forward to you “catching up”!

Please feel free to call on us to help you with this. Don’t’ be shy. We are here to help you see YOU. Have fun with this and know that you are loved and supported by so many of us as we connect on a grand scale. Colleen says we are forming an “Intergalactic Internet”. She’s right. Exciting stuff!

Until next time, Lon

Channeling Lon #8

Channeling Lon #8

Greetings and beautiful morning to you all! I’m so glad to be here talking to you all again. Are you starting to feel more of the magic? Of the change in energy? Or the speed at which things are happening? If so, you are on the right track. These things may come about clearly and suddenly for some, but for the majority, it is an incremental subtle shifting and it expands and increases with each realization/ conscious acknowledgment you have of the shifts/signs. Think of it like a treasure hunt. Make it a game…a playful activity where you “get a point” or “move forward on the board” whenever you notice a synchronicity or a magic feeling. Yes…that would indeed make it more fun! As we’ve said before and it bears repeating, fun is important. Not just ok if you’ve earned it with hard work. It is important in itself. Fun for the sake of fun. Isn’t that lovely? That’s not what you are taught, or at least most of you, but it is the truth. When you are having fun, you are glimpsing you. You, the bigger, more expansive you is always having fun. Always. So really, when you truly enjoy yourself and are playful and silly and free, you are feeling you. As we are writing this, Colleen is starting to cry. She gets it. Your training has been so backward, my friends. You were taught that play was ok when you were small, but as you got older, play was “for children”. Well, as we’ve said before, the children are the ones who get it until someone convinces them otherwise. Strange, isn’t it? People stop having fun, stop enjoying life, get sick and die. That doesn’t need to be the case. And yes, some people do have fun and still die, but what we want to emphasize here today is that you are doing yourselves a huge service when you increase your fun and decrease your toil. Find ways to make your work more fun, more magical. Ask your nonphysical friends for assistance and see what happens. Take it easy and lightly my friends because this puts you in a position of power, believe it or not. It decreases your dense energy and makes you more adaptable to change.

We think you are doing wonderfully and look forward to “playing” with you all again soon! Lon


Channeling Lon #7

Channeling Lon #7

Channeling Lon #7


Is everyone ready? Ready for more shifting? For those of you who know you are ready, hooray! For those of you who don’t yet know it, be gentle with yourselves and consider the possibility of opening up to change..positive change. Exciting changes that are ahead. Do you welcome change? Or do you feel the need to hold on tightly to what was and has been? We invited you to welcome change with open arms and open hearts, knowing that it is safe and the way to be free. We emphasize freedom to a great extent because that is what you are ultimately striving for. Lovely, yes? To reiterate, this is a process of of allowing that may begin gradually but will gain momentum over time and with diligence. Many of you consider change to be scary, holding onto your past like a sad little life raft, but please know, that is not in any way safe. If is more like being chained to the dock., unable to move freely. Do you understand? By allowing yourselves to welcome and embrace change and flow with it, you are, in essence, loosening the chains of bondage that have been keeping you in a dysfunctional holding pattern for far too long, my friends. Be light about letting go. Be light yet serious about forgiving others who have wronged you, who have deceived you, who have let you down, and just as importantly, possibly even more importantly and crucially, forgive yourselves for what you have done, and haven’t done…all of it. There is great freedom in forgiveness and it creates a literal beacon for change and positive shifting. (Colleen is amused at the nautical theme here.) We like to amuse her! There is a reason for this…Colleen holds laughter and fun at a very high rating in her life and lightness and levity are your true natures, so we enjoy this immensely!

So…are you ready to loosen the chains of the past that bind you to stagnation? If so, be prepared for magic, light, love and a wonderful ride to freedom and joy! Why would you say no?

We are so grateful and in high appreciation for all of you reading this and for Colleen’s trust and allowing to put this forth. Colleen loves a quote from Abraham…”there is never a crowd on the leading edge” and we agree with this. It takes courage to break free and more importantly live free, out loud, when so many around you are stuck. We are always here to help…you just need to ask, or as Colleen would say, “sign our permission slip” to help you! We love you and admire you all greatly.

Until we meet again, Lon

Channeling Lon #4

Channeling Lon #4


I am so sleepy…Lon wanted to do this at 8:00 a.m. today despite my protests. Yes, 8:00 is early for me!

Greetings! What I have to share with you today is of great importance. The shifting has become so intense and great that we have been monitoring who among you is ready for a jump. Yes…a jump. A jump in reality. We have been preparing Colleen for a process that she has started doing in her practice. She calls it “that synchronization thing”. As always, her language downplays the hugeness of this only because she is afraid of being wrong. She’s not. She knows that this is something big. She can feel it. She has been chronicling her experiences with it and is very excited.

Basically, there are “others” as Colleen calls us, who want to synchronize with some of you who are ready for a bigger shift. This is in order to help you and help them help you. This is a beautiful connection taking place. When you become connected through this process with a group of us, reality will shift as a result. You will be in a more profound position to receive messages, infusions, upgrades, etc., whatever is appropriate for you. This connection becomes very clear. Unimpeded. Colleen is very excited about this. “Others” enroll to be in your alpha group and then others may join later and synch in. Colleen started with about 25 and a few days later had 71 and had a more profound experience.

This synching in with your group will be of support and expansion for you. It will be of usefulness as you step out of your old egoic selves and into who you were born to be. This is a great time of expansion for those who are ready to play a big game. This is a time to throw caution to the wind and say a hearty yes to being you…your true authentic selves. Colleen has been struggling with this one and she keeps shaking her head…

doesn’t want to mention it here. But she is not alone in her resistance to her own greatness. She, like all of you, have been carefully programmed to not see yourselves clearly. Not see your magnificence. To explain it away . To not take any credit. As Colleen would say, “what a load of crap” you’ve been fed all of your lives. Well, my dear ones, it is time to let all of that go. Time for a paradigm shift beyond what you have ever considered. Are you ready? Colleen often says “Bring it”. Are you ready to bring it? If so, we are here to help you.

Are you excited yet? Are you willing to take this quantum leap? We hope so.

With love and gratitude, Lon

Channeling Lon #3

Channeling Lon #3


I am so pleased of all of the positive responses. Thank you all for you openness and hospitality! We are pleased to inform you all of our news. We are shifting at such a rapid pace and we are here to help you acclimate to this and expand at a comfortable yet exiting rate. This isn’t your imaginations as you call them, although your “imaginations” are a beautiful thing…but not what you have been told they are. They are your true selves coming through. You have been taught to ignore this and somehow make it less than…like it doesn’t matter. The children get it, and now it is time to become again like the children and acknowledge the true beauty of these things you call your imaginations. Start listening to what comes up for you. play with it, allow yourselves to feel the fun and playfulness and genius within your “imaginings”. What do they tell you? Is it some fantastical idea you have always had that you see no way to produce? Is it a far off place that you dream of? Is it that beautiful “fantasy life” that you always wanted? The possibilities are endless as you can see. Let it just start by being fun; playtime, but with an attitude of allowing and adventure. Don’t’ hold back. Allow yourself to be engulfed in the joy of it..really feel it. What do you see? What do you smell? What colors stand out? Who are you with? Be in it. Spend some time there and revel in the beauty and fun of it. Fun has always been so important to Colleen and there is a reason for that. It’s because it has been a sign as to what is truly important and worth looking at and pursuing. People seem to be very attached to doing what is reasonable. What an atrocious way to behave! When something is fun, it is something to pay closer attention to. And if something is fun, ask yourself why it is so. Is it fun down to the depths of your soul even if you can’t explain it? That, my friends is something truly worth exploring. But people will think I’m crazy, Lon! Don’t worry about them. They haven’t yet caught up to accessing the magic that is available in every one of you. They are still under the veil/illusion that being who you really are is just fantasy, or a wild dream. Well, I am here to tell you that this couldn’t be further from the truth. It is reality but on a different, playing field. This is available to everyone and only the most courageous seekers of truth will understand on a deep level. Give it a try and see how you feel. Be playful everyday, all day . You are in a wonderful playground and are fortunate to be here. Life isn’t drudgery as most believe. It is pure joy and the wisest among you will tell you the same. Time to break free from the dreary lessons about what life is that was taught in school, what your parents told you and what is portrayed on your televisions and news casts. It’s time to literally open your eyes and start to witness first hand all the magic that abounds. It is who you are. I promise you. If this feels like silliness, then ask to be part of the “silliness” because it is where the magic is. Watch the children and see what they are up to. They get it until someone “reasonable” convinces them to forget who they are. Stop being reasonable and start playing again. You won’t be sorry! Until next time and with all of my love, Lon

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